If There’s Sunshine…We’re In It!

So I woke up this morning thinking, “Oh great, another long, boring, cold Saturday!”  I know…so pessimistic!   I guess you could say I’m not a “morning person.”  On Saturdays Justin goes  for his extra long runs – we’re talkin’ like 3 hours long!  So he came downstairs and said he was going to get ready and go.  I had curled up on the rocking chair all tired from the previous nights un-sleep and not looking forward to another day locked up in the house.  Upon seeing my pathetic state, Justin suggested he take one of the kids in the stroller with him.   What a great idea!  Since his run was 3 hours, he took each child out for one hour of it.  Wait, did I say “great” idea?  I meant to say brilliant! Russell was the first to go and when they got back an hour later, to switch for Bryn, they announced that it was so nice out and Russell just wanted to stay out and play in the backyard.  So Ash and I got our jackets on and went to join him while Bryn went for a run with Dad.  We played most of the morning, and then again in the evening, and had a most enjoyable time! 










Ash Swinging

Ash Swinging

Ash has always been a really easy going guy (except for when it comes to sleep!).  Today I tried him in the swing for the first time since he was a newborn last summer (when we propped him all in a swing with several blankets and stuff.)  He absolutely loved it!  He just sat there all content, and actually would even start “gooing” whenever I pushed  him, it was pretty cute.  I’m sure he’ll hate me when he gets older for putting him in that ridiculous hat.  Oh well…that’s my prerogative as a mother!  

Bryn Swinging

Bryn Swinging

Bryn is such a goof ball!  She’s always gotta be doing something silly and bouncing up and down…sometimes I think she has springs on the bottom of her shoes.  Hilarious kid, she is!

Russell Playing

Russell Playing

Russell absolutely loves being outside! I like to keep a close eye on them when they are out there, and it takes a lot of convincing to get him to come in just for a minute while I feed Ash, or run upstairs to get something…I have to promise that he can leave all his coat and shoes on and everything and that he can just stand by the door.  Even then he stands there (in the house) complaining that I’m taking too long! We all really enjoy being outside.  There has definitely been some cabin fever, but today it was great to get out and feel some kind of hope that Spring is on its way!


  1. Crystal said

    Glad to see you were able to enjoy the great weather this weekend!

  2. Radhika Prashar said

    I must admit, your kids are the cutest things!! 🙂

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